{ "culture": "en-US", "name": "", "guid": "", "catalogPath": "", "snippet": "FHWA National Highway Network", "description": "

FHWA National Highway Network<\/SPAN><\/P>


*\tID\t-\tGIS internal IDs\t*<\/SPAN><\/P>

*\tLENGTH\t-\tGeometric Length\t*<\/SPAN><\/P>

*\tDIR\t-\tFlow direction. 0=bidirectional, 1 or -1 = one way flow\t*<\/SPAN><\/P>

*\tDATA\t-\tGIS internal IDs valid for TransCAD GIS file\t*<\/SPAN><\/P>

*\tFAF4_ID\t-\tUnique IDs to join with FAFDATA dbf file\t*<\/SPAN><\/P>

*\tVERSION\t-\tRelease date\t*<\/SPAN><\/P>

*\tSTATE\t-\t2-digit state abbreviation\t*<\/SPAN><\/P>

*\tFCLASS\t-\tHPMS 2010 Functional Classification code. \t*<\/SPAN><\/P>

*\tURBAN_CODE\t-\tHPMS Urbanized code. 99999 is rural, 99998 is small urban\t*<\/SPAN><\/P>

*\tSTFIPS\t-\t2 digit State FIPS code\t*<\/SPAN><\/P>

*\tCTFIPS\t-\t3-digit County FIPS code\t*<\/SPAN><\/P>

*\tFAFZONE\t-\tFAF4 Zone Ids\t*<\/SPAN><\/P>

*\tSIGN1\t-\tDesignated primary Sign Route for the arc\t*<\/SPAN><\/P>

*\tSIGNT1\t-\tDescribes the type of the sign route;\t*<\/SPAN><\/P>

*\tSIGNN1\t-\tContains the actual sign route numbers. Using HPMS standards, an optional directional indicator (N, S, E, W) can also be used as part of this field\t*<\/SPAN><\/P>

*\tSIGNQ1\t-\tSign Route Qualifier Record which is used to qualify the sign route description follows the Sign Route Number. \t*<\/SPAN><\/P>

*\tLNAME\t-\tLocal road name\t*<\/SPAN><\/P>

*\tMILES\t-\tGeometric Length\t*<\/SPAN><\/P>

*\tKM\t-\tmile converted to kilometer using a multiplier of 1.62\t*<\/SPAN><\/P>

*\tSTATUS\t-\tOpen status of road. 1=open; 0=closed\t*<\/SPAN><\/P>

*\tNHS\t-\tNational Highway System. \t*<\/SPAN><\/P>

*\tUSLRSID\t-\tUnique Route IDs\t*<\/SPAN><\/P>

*\tBEGMP\t-\tBeginning mile of the arch\t*<\/SPAN><\/P>

*\tENDMP\t-\tending mile of the arch\t*<\/SPAN><\/P>

*\tTRK_RTE\t-\tTruck restriction. 5=restricted for trucks\t*<\/SPAN><\/P>

*\tNN\t-\tNational Network. Value=1\t*<\/SPAN><\/P>

*\tNHFN\t-\tNational Highway Freight Network (Draft) Value=1\t*<\/SPAN><\/P>

*\tLCV_TYPE\t-\tState permitted Long Combination Vehicle Network.\t*<\/SPAN><\/P>

*\tTHRULANES\t-\tNumber of through lanes for traffic\t*<\/SPAN><\/P>

*\tSPD_LIMIT\t-\tPosted Speed limited reported in HPMS\t*<\/SPAN><\/P>

*\tTERRAIN\t-\tType terrain. \t*<\/SPAN><\/P>

*\tMEDIAN\t-\tHighway Median Type. \t*<\/SPAN><\/P>

*\tACCESS\t-\tHighway access control.\t*<\/SPAN><\/P>

Data is not updated on a regular basis.<\/SPAN><\/P><\/DIV><\/DIV>", "summary": "FHWA National Highway Network", "title": "FHWA National Highway Network", "tags": [ "FHWA" ], "type": "", "typeKeywords": [], "thumbnail": "", "url": "", "minScale": 0, "maxScale": 0, "spatialReference": "", "accessInformation": "FHWA", "licenseInfo": "" }